Friday, July 2, 2010

little life changes & 4th of july

Well a couple new things, I registered for classes at Portland Community College & I couldn't be more excited. School does not come easily to me & I am rarely ever excited about going but this has been a long time coming. I'm happy to be making this step forward & in the right direction. It will take a lot of work & motivation to get through this & do well.... in high school i slacked off a lot & never intended on going to college. I'm older now & more goal oriented. I'm looking at the future more & taking everything I do into consideration, so this time around, I think i might do really well in school & even enjoy it.

My classes this semester are as follows:

Film Studies, Art in Film
Math 20
Writing 121
Ceramics I

I'm interested in so many different things but it's once I get into the really complicated details of things is when i say, "okay now it's getting too hard." & the interest is gone. But I know i will just love taking all sorts of different classes & learning the basis of a lot of different things. That's why i think some form of art will be a  good choice major for me. I always come back to it. It's been my natural talent since i could pick up a crayon & there is no scientific method or pythagorean theorem behind it. That's why art is so beautiful & can be created by anyone. Even if i don't get very far with this degree, it's the only thing i can see sticking with 100% & the experience alone will be worth it.

Another bit of good news, I have a job interview on Tuesday for a really nice full-service salon about 20 minutes away in SW Portland. One of the only friends I have made at great clips left awhile ago to work in this same salon because she is friends with the manager & they had a position open. I missed working with her, she was only a few years older than me, really chill, & the sweetest girl to be tatted up from head to toe I've ever met. So she called me last week & told me about a position open at her salon. She said the manager interviewed 2 other girls, but neither of them stuck out to her & that I have a really good chance. So cross your fingers. I'm so excited, that if I don't get this job, I will really be crushed. I even scheduled all my classes to work around the schedule i would be having if I got this job. I'm just ready to move on. I need this.

4th of July is Sunday, probably my favourite holiday of the year. It never does me wrong. Hang out at the beach all day, bbq, sun, friends, family, ocean, bon fire & crazy war-zone fireworks all night long. It is the best feel-good summer extravaganza, with such a chill spin to it, no great expectations like Christmas or a huge cook-load on Thanksgiving. Ever since my first year of life, my family has gone to Aptos Beach near Santa Cruz, California for the 4th of July & because of that, it has a great place in my heart. I can't wait to experience Oregon coast independence day. hellll yeaaa

more to come...